Tuesday, July 05, 2005


He's still breathing!

It's been like weeks and weeks since a post. I think that since me and Dave haven't been hanging out we've been genuinely nicer people. We're like chlorine and bleach which are both horrible on their own, but when mixed produce a noxious toxin. Anyway I'm going to try to make an attempt to make some posts. Me and Dave may be hanging out in 2 weeks and that will definitely make for some interesting stuff.

-That kid growing up who always got hurt, and you'd be having the best time doing something and he manage to run into a street pole or something.

-Basic Elmers glue. In comparision to a good glue stick it was messy, weak as hell, and smelled bad.

-Netzero, their whole angle was free internet, but it's like 14.99 a month. At least change your name to Net14.99

-On that note, Earthlink

-People who own an I-Pod and find an excuse to use it in ever sentensc and make me feel bad because I'm too cheap to buy one. "Oh I saw the meteor hit that old folks home while I was listening to music on my Apple I-Pod 40 gig U2 Verigo Edition.

-Those Coke commercials with those like 5 kids who are on a road trip in California and they're like "So uh yea! There were these kids jousting in shopping carts, so we uh made Jax get in and try, and then we like met this dude who grows his own lemons and like has an extreme lemon eating contest!"

-I always hated the collar popper, but the other day I saw a guy with like 5 polos on with the collars popped on each one. I hate you


Thats it for now, once I get the ball rolling and Dave back into it expect more
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