Tuesday, May 10, 2005

-When you have a bar of soap for a real long time and it gets real thin in the middle, and you end up having to fold the soap over and furiously scrub your body with a little ball of soap.

-When construction paper is up on a board for a real long time and it gets all faded, then when you take it down, a section of it that was covered by something is the original color and the rest is all faded. I know this is a weird thing, but its just irritating and I don't understand why it happens.


-When you see a piece of heavy duty industrial plastic stuck in a tree, all mangled up and shredded.

-Anyone who eats goat cheese.

-People who listen to the radio at a baseball game. Why even go to the game if you're just going to sit there and listen to the play-by-play anyway?

-When people's breath smells like peanut butter.

-When you see people at the beach and they are eating non-beach foods, like salad.
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