Monday, May 09, 2005

-Having to turn all your socks right side in when you do laundry.

-People who collect shot glasses.

-Elvis impersonaters. Actually, impersonaters of any kind.

-White crayons. Why do they feel the need to include the color white as a standard color? The only place they are usable is on black paper, and when do you write on black paper? Halloween, and that's it. Stop being cheap and include a color more people could use; keep the white for your big ass boxes.

-Trying to rip open packs of soy sauce and duck sauce that come with Chinese takeout.

-The pencil erasers that instead of erasing the graphite just smear pink all over the page.

-Key rings that are impossible to get keys onto.
nice one... i can relate... you could totally make a book out of it... its really cool... hope you can check my reflections...
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